It was great to worship together last Sunday! There was a good group in person and another watching online. The singing, testimonies and Scripture all lifted THE NAME. Thank you for being part of that gathering of FBC.
This week we will continue to meet both in person and online. We hope you can join us again. The “waiting room” for the online service opens at around 10:00 AM. The worship service will begin around 10:30 AM.
Please click here to connect to the “waiting room” and the live service online.
If you plan to be with us at 5590 N. Nevada Av. in person, please read the update for last week’s re-opening. We have the specific purpose of displaying our unity in Christ in mind and that requires us to have His attitude of humility toward one another. Let’s love well by putting the needs of the other above our own!
– Raleigh